
Minutes of Fourteenth Meeting of Evidence and Defendants Committee

Topics include: Full affidavits must be given to the Defense (although excerpts may be used in court); the careful checking of name translations from Japanese; a reminder to attorneys to fully read documents they request to be translated prior to submission so that items are not needlessly translated.
1946CE Jul 12th

List of Names of Japanese and Puppets Exercising Civilian Control in Occupied China

List of Japanese and Chinese Puppets "who exercised control over civilians in occupied China, as compiled by the Research and Analysis Branch of Office of Strategic Services, 15 April 1945, in their publication, 'Civilian Controls in Occupied China.'" Forwarded with the intent to aide selection of war criminals and gather evidence.
1946CE Nov 26th

Note from Transcript of Testimony of Fusanosuke KUHARA

"Note from Transcript of Testimony of Fusanosuke KUHARA, a Defendant in the February 26 (1936) Insurrection Case. Case was Dismissed 14 December, 1937. (1742 Pages. Volume 6 of the 6 Volumes on the February 26 Incident Investigation Record.)" Gives details from the testimony with excerpts from specific paragraphs. Discusses Japanese political developments, the Cabinets, and Manchukuo.

Minutes of Thirteenth Meeting of Evidence and Defendants Committee

Topics discussed include: Leaking of prosecution affidavits to Japanese newspapers prior to introduction into evidence; errors in Exhibits 26 and 27.
1946CE Jul 5th

Mr. Comyns Carr's Analysis of Documents by Subjects

Lists documents in groupings according to their relevance to the Prosecution's Phases for the trial. Subjects include: Japanese Constitution, written and customary, and the functions of the various offices held by defendants; Manchurian Military Aggression, 1931-1945; All China Military Aggression, 1937-1945; Economic Aggression in China, 1932-1945; Narcotics in China and Elsewhere, 1932-1945; Preparations for War: (a) Naval (b) Military (c) Fortifications (d) Financial (e) Productive; Preparing Japanese Opinion for War: (a) Education (b) Political Organization (c) Assassinations and threats (d) Police coercion (e) Propaganda & Censorship; Relations with Germany, Italy, France and Thailand (a) Germany (b) Italy (c) France (e) Germany General; Relations with U.S.S.R; Relations with U.S.A. and British Commonwealth: (a) to end 1940 (b) 1941 to October 15 (c) October 16, 1941 and after; Relations with Netherlands and Portugal; Class B Offenses (a) P.O.W.'s general survey (b) P. O. W.'s central organization and relations with Swiss (c) at sea; Class C Offenses 1931-1945; Law relating to Class A; Law relating to Class B and C; Laws of War Violations other than Prisoners of War & Civilian outrages; Preliminary Trial Briefs; Treaties; Occupied areas.

Secret Japanese Papers Uncovered for Trials News Article

Reports on the entering into evidence of "several secret documents which most Japanese government officials thought had been destroyed." Also reports that Saburo Kurusu, "Japan's special peace envoy to Washington as the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, supplied the prosecution with much valuable information." The article ends with an announcement that Joseph B. Keenan has been preparing the prosecution's opening statement and that it was likely to take a full trial day to present to the tribunal.


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