Press - Response to Trial

Prosecution Shows Propaganda Picture to Support Its Case News Article

Reports that the propaganda motion picture "Critical Period of Japan" (Hojoji Nippon) from 1933 was played for the tribunal. It was used by the prosecution to "back the charge that Sadao Araki made the statement that it was 'Japan's divine mission to dominate East Asia and the whole world." During the viewing, Sir William Webb expressed his opinion that watching was a waste of time. Kimbei Nakai, a cameraman for the Nippon Newsreel Company, and Takatora Ogata, former vice-president of the Asahi Shimbun and president of the Board of Information in the Koiso Cabinet, also testified. Finally, the article concluded with the fact that Somei Uzawa was selected as "chief of the individual Japanese counsel representing" the accused.

Tells of Japs' 'Assembly Line' Killing of 5,000 News Article

Reports on the testimony given by Lang-Ting to the Tokyo war crimes tribunal regarding the "methodical slaughter of more than 5,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians by the Japanese after the fall of Nanking and Hankow" in 1937. Also reports on the testimony of A. A. Dorrance, former Standard Oil official at Hankow.

Allies Prepare to Try Jap War Criminals News Article

Newspaper page from the Los Angeles Times on April 15, 1946 that contains pictures related to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Includes photographs of the accused, the courtroom, the female attorneys who were part of the prosecution team, and Joseph B. Keenan. At the top of the page, the following advice is handwritten: "Don't sign up for anything until Williams calls you!!"
1946CE Apr 15th

14 U. S. Attorneys Here for War Trials News Article

Reports that fourteen American attorneys have traveled to Tokyo to serve as defense counsel to the Japanese accused war criminals. They included: "Norris H. Allen, St. Louis; Lawrence McManus, New York City; Floyd J. Mattice, New York City; Owen Cunningham, Des Moines; David F. Smith, Washington, D. C.; John W. Guider, Washington, D. C.; Edward P. McDermott, Kearney, Neb.; William Logan, Jr., New York City; Michael Levin, Milwaukee; Robert F. Cole, Pleasant Ridge, Mich.; John G. Brannon, Kansas City, Mo.; William J. McCormack, Chicago; Charles F. Young, Richmond, Va. And James N. Freeman, Winston-Salem, N. C."

'Open City' Point Hit In Gen. Homma's Trial News Article

Reports on Maj. Gen. Shusuki Horiguchi's testimony at Homma's trial in Manila that "Homma was training a Japanese army for the Philippines invasion nine months before the war began." Describes in detail Horiguchi's testimony on the number of casualties and the drive to Bataan. Also reports on the status of Manila as an "open city" and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Another news wire piece announces the appointment of Henri Reimburger as the judge from France to the IMTFE as well as the appointment of Jean Lambert as associate prosecutor to the tribunal. Finally, reports on the appointment of Lord Patrick to serve on the tribunal as the United Kingdom's representative.

Pacific Stars & Stripes, June 5, 1946

Volume 2, Number 155 edition of the Pacific Stars & Stripes issued on Wednesday, June 5, 1946. Articles include those related to the trial such as "War Leaders Charged with Murder," "Keenan Denounces Trial Defendants" and "Two to be Tried While Confined to Hospital." Other topics include: Death of Russian President Kallinin, Enlistment / Draft issues, smallpox shots, "'Fit to be Tried' Play Returns to Tokyo Area," sports updates from the United States, comics, and other world events.
1946CE Jun 5th


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