Analysis of Documents

Doc. No. 95 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Copy, Memo of Conversation -- Secretary of State and Japanese Ambassador. Persons implicated: KURUSU. Crimes to which document applicable: Aggression; attack on Pearl Harbor. Summary of relevant points: "Re delivery of note declaring war. /A.N.: Footnote #72, p. 786, gives background of the time elements, (Tokyo-Washington), involved in attack on Pearl Harbor./
1946CE May 31st

Doc. No. 1619 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of World Significance of the Dutch East Indies. Crimes to which Document Applicable: Preparing Japanese opinion for war. "Summary of relevant points: Pamphlet, by International Thought Research Laboratory, was written by MIZUSHIMA, Hitoshi, as an argument for Japan's control of the Dutch East Indies, to help establish the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." /A.N. An attempt to rationalize Japan's need of D. E. I.)"
1946CE May 14th

Doc. No. 1615 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of The Southern Co-Prosperity Sphere. Crimes to which document applicable: Preparation of Japanese opinion for war. Summary of relevant points: Book, by HAYASAKA, Yoshio, gives an economic, political, and geographic description of French Indo China, Thailand, Malaya, Dutch East Indies, and the Philippine Islands. Explains why Japan had to form a bloc of these areas to protect her new order in Asia, and that should America attempt to curb Japan's southward expansion, war would be inevitable.
1946CE May 14th

Doc. No. 533 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Photostatic copy of file memorandum of the conversation between HIMMLER and OSHIMA. Persons implicated: Lt. Gen. OSHIMA, Hiroshi. Crimes to which document applicable. Instigation to aggressive warfare. Conspiracy for aggressive warfare between Tri-Partite Pact signatories.
1946CE Feb 18th

Doc. No. 921 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Original of Protocol between Germany, Italy, and Japan and attached copies of Anti-Comintern Agreement between Germany and Japan as well as of annexed protocol to the Anti-Comintern Agreement. Persons implicated: HIROTA, Koki; OSHIMA, Hiroshi, MUSHAKOJI, Kintomo; HOTTA, Masaaki. Crimes to which document applicable: Conspiracy for aggressive warfare.
1946CE Mar 21st

Doc. No. 1266 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Photostat: Telegram from E. von Weiszacker (Under-Secretary of Foreign Affairs) apparently to Germany Ambassador in Tokyo. Crimes to which document applicable: China Incident (Marco Polo Bridge); Aggressive warfare in China.
1946CE Apr 11th


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