Japanese Military

Execution of 3 Yank Flyers by Japs Revealed News Article

Reports on the three Doolittle fliers who were executed by Japanese after being taken prisoner following their actions in China. The names had been previously withheld and include: Lt. Dean E. Hallmark, Lt. William G. Farrow, and Sgt. Harold A. Spatz. Photographs of the men are included.

Phelps' Miscellaneous Data Folder

Contains multiple memoranda regarding witness testimony before the tribunal, important dates in Japanese history, various Japanese Cabinet's and their structure; and brief summaries of Japanese treaty violations.

Responsibility of Head of State, Cabinet Members, Military Commanders and Staff Officers

Full title: "Responsibility of Head of State, Cabinet Members, Military Commanders and Staff Officers for War Crimes Committed by Subordinates; Lawfulness of Guerilla Activities in the Philippines."
1945CE Nov 20th

Japanese Treaty Analysis Project

Gives an overview of responsibilities and tasks assigned to the Japanese Treaty Analysis Project members who are charged with "determining violations of treaties entered into by Japan with other nations." Incidents to be examined include: 1. The Mukden Incident and Manchuria; 2. Marco Polo Bridge and North China; 3. Spratly Islands; 4. Establishment of the Nanking Government; 5. French Indo-China; 6. Thailand; 7. Singapore and Malaya; 8. Mandated Islands; 9. Naval Limitations Treaty; 10. Hawaiian Islands; 11. Miscellaneous.
1945CE Oct 1st

Excerpt from Japan Year Book - 1937

Excerpt from the 1937 Japan Year Book regarding the February 26 (1936) Insurrection Incident (as translated by Mr. Sano). Gives details about the inner workings of the Japanese Cabinet, the officials involved, and the subsequent actions taken in China and Manchuria.

Doc. No. 1619 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of World Significance of the Dutch East Indies. Crimes to which Document Applicable: Preparing Japanese opinion for war. "Summary of relevant points: Pamphlet, by International Thought Research Laboratory, was written by MIZUSHIMA, Hitoshi, as an argument for Japan's control of the Dutch East Indies, to help establish the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." /A.N. An attempt to rationalize Japan's need of D. E. I.)"
1946CE May 14th


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