Trial Progress

Trial Transcript May 3, 1946

Trial Transcript May 4, 1946

Trial Transcript June 14, 1946

Day 12 of the trial, Friday, June 14, 1946, covering the preliminary stages of the prosecution's case. Roughly corresponds to pages 627 to 717 of the official trial transcript. Discusses the military and governmental structures, as well as the laws, of Japan. Some of this forms Phase I - The Constitution and Government Structure of Japan of the Prosecution's case. Also includes detailed timeline from March 7, 1928 to April 7, 1945. The tribunal convened at 1:30 PM and adjourned at 4 PM.
1946CE Jun 14th

Trial Transcript June 18, 1946

Day 14 of the trial, Tuesday, June 18, 1946, concerning Phase II - The Preparation of Japanese Opinion for War. Focuses primarily on the education of Japan's youth, specifically at military schools and through nationalistic organizations. First day that Captain Beverly M. Coleman did not appear as Chief of Counsel because he resigned. The Tribunal convened at 9:30 AM and adjourned at 4:20 PM. Roughly covers pages 852 to 931 of the official trial transcript.
1946CE Jun 18th

Trial Transcript June 17, 1946

Day 13 of the trial, Monday, June 17, 1946, concerning the preliminary stages of of the prosecution's cases. Includes the introduction of some of the personal histories of the accused. Also begins Phase II - The Preparation of Japanese Opinion for War of the Prosecution's case. The Tribunal convened at 9:30 AM and adjourned at 4 PM. Roughly covers pages 718 to 851 of the official trial transcript.
1946CE Jun 17th

Trial Transcript June 19, 1946

Day 15 of the trial, Wednesday, June 19, 1946, concerning Phase II - The Preparation of Japanese Opinion for War of the Prosecution's case. Continues discussion regarding educating the Japanese youth, including through the military. Raises questions as to whether or not authorities and their students portrayed the Manchurian Incident and subsequent events as a war of aggression. Roughly covers pages 932 to 1,021 of the official trial transcript. The Tribunal convened at 9:30 AM and adjourned at 3:55 PM.
1946CE Jun 19th

Trial Transcript June 20, 1946

Day 16 of the trial, Thursday, June 20, 1946, concerning Phase II - The Preparation of Japanese Opinion for War of the Prosecution's case. Roughly covers pages 1,022 to 1,128 of the official trial transcript. The Tribunal convened at 9:30 AM and adjourned at 3:58 PM.
1946CE Jun 20th

Trial Transcript April 29, 1946

Trial Transcript for Monday, April 29, 1946 - Lodging of the Indictment. Corresponds to pages A through D and 1 to 20 of the official trial transcript. This was the first day of the preliminary stages of the trial, convening at 10 AM and adjourning at 11:45 AM.
1946CE Apr 29th

Trial Transcript July 24, 1946


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