Reports that "Major Airo Mimoguchi and three corporals were sentenced to death by a U. S. military commission on charges of rape and murder at Bogan, Cebu." Another, "Seiroki Yoshioka, was acquitted."
Reports that Keenan is upset with Homma's defense counsel position that "a procession of judicial lynchings without due process of law may now follow" in the wake of the U. S. Supreme Courts decision to reject Homma's appeal of his death sentence from the Manila trial. Also reports that Tatsuo Tsuchiya was convicted in the Yokohama trial by the Eighth Army commission for atrocities committed against prisoners.
Reports on the sentencing of Harushige Kawakami and Naozo Shimdairo at the Yokohama war crimes trial. Also reports on the sentencing at the Burma war crimes trial.
Reports on Gen. Douglas MacArthur's decision to uphold the death sentence of Gen. Tomouki Yamashita. Also reports that "SCAP ordered the immediate arrest to Gen. Sadamu Shimomura" as he is accused of "issuing the final death orders against the three executed Doolittle fliers." Discusses the legal issues surrounding the Yamashita case. Another news item reports on the Homma trial with the headline "Homma admits he ordered 'Death March' : 'Morally responsible for anything that happened,' tells Court."
Reports on the transfer of Lt. Gen. Masaharu Homma to the Luzon prisoner of war camp No. 1 immediately following his sentencing to death by a firing squad. Describes how Homma received the sentence as well as the conclusion of his trial. Indicates that both his sentence and that of Yamashita will go to Gen. Douglas MacArthur for final review.
Reports on the meeting between Mrs. Masaharu Homma and General Douglas MacArthur regarding the trial and possible sentencing of her husband, General Homma, for his actions in the Philippines.