Analysis of Documents

Mr. Comyns Carr's Analysis of Documents by Subjects

Lists documents in groupings according to their relevance to the Prosecution's Phases for the trial. Subjects include: Japanese Constitution, written and customary, and the functions of the various offices held by defendants; Manchurian Military Aggression, 1931-1945; All China Military Aggression, 1937-1945; Economic Aggression in China, 1932-1945; Narcotics in China and Elsewhere, 1932-1945; Preparations for War: (a) Naval (b) Military (c) Fortifications (d) Financial (e) Productive; Preparing Japanese Opinion for War: (a) Education (b) Political Organization (c) Assassinations and threats (d) Police coercion (e) Propaganda & Censorship; Relations with Germany, Italy, France and Thailand (a) Germany (b) Italy (c) France (e) Germany General; Relations with U.S.S.R; Relations with U.S.A. and British Commonwealth: (a) to end 1940 (b) 1941 to October 15 (c) October 16, 1941 and after; Relations with Netherlands and Portugal; Class B Offenses (a) P.O.W.'s general survey (b) P. O. W.'s central organization and relations with Swiss (c) at sea; Class C Offenses 1931-1945; Law relating to Class A; Law relating to Class B and C; Laws of War Violations other than Prisoners of War & Civilian outrages; Preliminary Trial Briefs; Treaties; Occupied areas.

Document re Doc. No. 113 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Extract, "N. Y. Times," re Jap policy. Persons implicated: MATSUOKA; OHASHI. Crimes to which document applicable: Relations with U. S., G. B., et al. Summary of relevant points: "Statements by OSASHI and MATSUOKA re Jap interests in South Seas, the Tri-Partite Pact, Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, etc. Also, an excerpt , re OHASHI speech to a committee, ". . . but is prepared to meet force with force if necessary . . . . ."."
1946CE Jun 1st

Doc. No. 4096 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Photostat: Memorandum about a conference between Hitler and OSHIMA in the presence of Ribbentrop. Source of Original: Nuremberg through War Department. Persons implicated: OSHIMA. Crimes to which document applicable: German-Japanese-Italian collaboration; atrocities at sea.
197CE Sep 4th

Doc. No. 106 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Copy, Identic Communication to the Netherlands by Signatories to Quadruple Pacific Treaty. Crimes to which document applicable. Summary of relevant points: "Treaty concluded 13 Dec 1921, by U. S., G. B., France and Japan, to maintain rights to their insular possessions in the Pacific Ocean and to respect the rights of the Netherlands in such region."
1946CE May 31st

Doc. No. 104 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Copy, "Convention for Pacific Settlement of International Disputes." Persons implicated: SATO. Crimes to which document applicable: Aggression. Summary of relevant points: "Treaty is for friendly settlement of international disputes, and to extend "the empire of law and of strengthening the appreciation of international justice."
1946CE May 31st

Doc. No. 100 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Extract, "N. Y. Times" re Japanese troops landing in Malaya. Crimes to which document applicable: Aggression -- Malaya; relations with Great Britain. Summary of relevant points: "Extract shows landings in Malaya, invasion of Thailand, bombing of Singapore and Hong Kong.
1946CE May 31st

Doc. No. 98 Supp. - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Copy, Grew's memoirs re outbreak of hostilities. Persons implicated: TOGO; OHNO. Crimes to which document applicable: Relations with U. S. Summary of Relevant points: "Mr. Grew's account of the delivery of the proclamation of war, and the Jap statement on the function of the Embassy."
1946CE May 31st


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