Japanese Aggression in Manchuria
Emperor To Be Tried News Article
Reports the Russians have detained Manchukuo Emperor Pu Yi in Manchuria and that they will turn him over to the Chinese shortly.
War in Manchuria Act of Aggression, Prosecutor Stays News Article
Reports on assistant prosecutor Walter MacKenzie's attempt to "prove conclusively that Japan did not act in self defense on September 18, 1931, and that China was totally not responsible for the outbreak of the Manchurian Incident" by directly quoting the Lytton Report. Gives details about the day's proceedings at the Tribunal. Topics include: the puppet emperor Pu-Yi, testimony from a former South Manchuria Railway Company employee, the financial state of Manchuokuo (evidence offered by John A. Darsey), objections to the evidence lodged by Capt. Alfred Brooks, construction of the Kirin-Tunghua Railway Extension line, Japanese aviation projects in Manchuria, and notable persons present at the tribunal.
Prosecution Offers Additional Evidence on Manchuria Grab News Article
Reports on the prosecution's introduction of a series of documents into evidence that illustrate the aggressive measures undertaken by Japan and the Kwantung Army in Manchuria. Discusses the propaganda measures undertaken and the planning of Japan preemptively address charges related to violating non-aggression treaties (including the establishment of Manchoukuo). The evidence was proffered by assistant prosecutor John A. Darsey, with a brief interruption by defense counsel William Logan. Reports on detailed events of the day at the tribunal.
Tojo Trial Told Chinese Fear of Jap 'Lawrence' News Article
Reports on the testimony of John Goette, former China correspondent for International News Service, who asserted before the Tokyo war crimes trial court that "the minute the Chinese learned Doihara was around Peiping they knew Japan was going to add North China to Manchuria." Apparently, Col. Kenji Doihara was as called "Lawrence of Manchuria" and was most feared by the Chinese. Also reports on the return of Joseph B. Keenan and the introduction of a speech given by Premier Kuniaki Koiso on September 5, 1944.
Jap Ex-Consul at Mukden is Heard at Trial News Article
Reports on the testimony of Morito Morishima, former assistant Japanese counsel general at Mukden, at the Tokyo war crimes trial regarding the Kwantung army's actions in Manchuria. Also reports that Yosuchi Kimura, former civilian guard at the Omori POW camp was sentenced to five years of hard labor.
Former Tribune Writer Tells of Manchuria Plot News Article
Reports on the testimony of J. B. Powell, a former American reporter for the Chicago Tribune, who related to the war crimes court at Tokyo his experiences in Manchuria following the Mukden incident. Indicates that the defense objections to his testimony were so strong that Sir William Webb warned that if Maj. George Furness continued his defense strategy, "we won't allow you to say another word."
Tells Court Jap Cabinet Had No Rule Over Army News Article
Reports on the testimony of Reijiro Wakatsuki (Japanese Premier in 1931) who stated to the tribunal that "the Japanese army plunged ahead over the protests of the imperial government" when they invaded Manchuria. This testimony related to Sir William Webb's efforts "to determine whether Emperor Hirohito had any war responsibility."
List of Names of Japanese & Puppets in China
Detailed list with names and brief biographies of those individuals who served as Japanese and Chinese Puppets and "who exercised control over civilians in Occupied China." The list was compiled by "the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services" on April 15, 1945 and disseminated in "Civilian Controls in Occupied China." The list was sent to the Commanding General, U. S. Forces, China Theater in New York, New York.
1945CE Nov 26th
List of Names of Japanese & Puppets in China
Detailed list with names and brief biographies of those individuals who served as Japanese and Chinese Puppets and "who exercised control over civilians in Occupied China." The list was compiled by "the Research and Analysis Branch of the Office of Strategic Services" on April 15, 1945 and disseminated in "Civilian Controls in Occupied China." The list was sent to the Commanding General, U. S. Forces, China Theater in New York, New York.
1945CE Nov 26th