Propaganda for War Brought Up at Trial News Article
Reports on the testimony of Nobumi Ito, former President of the Board of Information, regarding the use of propaganda to prepare the Japanese populace of war with the United States and Great Britain. Describes in detail the actions taken by the Japanese government to use propaganda as early as 1930 to build support for action in Manchuria. Also testifying to the use of propaganda was former Education Minister Tamon Mayeda who asserted that Shumei Okawa was "one of the leading writers of that period, urging expansion and control of Manchuria." Other materials submitted into evidence by the prosecution to build their case regarding the use of propaganda included "a set of paper theatrical pictures which Akio Saki, president of the Nippon Kamishibai Kaisha, claimed were shown to children throughout Japan." The end of the article addressed ongoing translation concerns voiced by the defense.