Japanese Nationalism / Nationalistic Societies

Nazi Envoy to Japs in '41 Held for MacArthur News Article

Reports on the detention of 110 suspected Japanese war criminals, including "Gen. Takeji Washi, former chief of staff of Japanese general headquarters." Also detained in China was Gen. Eugene Ott, "Nazi ambassador to Tokyo at the time of Pearl Harbor." Other news items report on the rush by Japanese business men to form a "league for safeguarding the emperor" and the progress of plans to purge ultra-nationalists from public office.

Doc. No. 1272 - Analysis of Documentary Evidence

Analysis of Photostat: Report of the German Ambassador in Hankow, TRAUTMANN, to Foreign Minister in Berlin. The analyzed document is divided into three parts: 1. Japan and National Socialism. 2. State authority in Japan. 3. Hatred against aliens and the German-Japanese relations.
1946CE Apr 11th

Japan Trained Troops for War With Russians News Article

Reports on the testimony of Ryukichi Tanaka regarding the training of "an estimated 2,500,000 men in Manchuria for war against Soviet Russia." "It was in line with this belief that a conflict with Russia was unavoidable that the Japanese set up a series of pro-Japanese governments in North China and inner Mongolia after their conquest of Manchuria," Tanaka testified. He also gave evidence regarding "the series of plots by a coalition of Japanese civilian ultra-nationalist groups and extreme militarists which brought about the Manchurian incident beginning Sept. 18, 1931."

Grim Account of 'Rape of Nanking' Told Court News Article

Reports on the testimony given by Dr. Hsu Chuan-ying, a Nanking resident, during the 'Rape of Nanking' and subsequent occupation by the Japanese military. Describes the mutilation of women, the burning of homes, and the mass killing of Chinese citizens. David N. Sutton was the prosecutor who questioned him on the stand. Chuan-ying defends the "Chinese Red Swastika Society," where he served as vice-chairman, as a "philanthropic organization." Two other short news wire pieces report on "Chinese Said Grateful for Presence of GI's" and "Terauchi's Remains Due Here."

The Brocade Banner - The Story of Japanese Nationalism

Document giving an overview of the long history and development of Japanese nationalism. The analysis is "based primarily on official police records and on the court records of the coup d'etat trials of the thirties." Ties together the religious, political and social contexts of Japanese nationalism.

Outline of Japan's Basic National Policy (Tentative Translation)

From the Cabinet Decision of July 26, 1940. Discusses the need for a New World Order based on the "lofty ideal of Hakko Ishiu on which the Empire is founded." Also states "In the light of the new external and internal circumstances of the Empire, we will so amplify armaments as to ensure the execution of national policy on the basis of a state structure for national defense through manifestation of the nation's total strength."

Interview with Don Brown to determine top likely defendants

Report on the interview with Don Brown of the Information and Education Section "with respect to the drawing up of a list of proposed major war criminals to be investigated for determination of the defendants in the first trials." Includes Brown's suggestion that the team also consult with Charles Nelson Spinks, Russ Brines and Mr. Gilland all associated with the press. Other suggestions included Mr. Yukio Ozaki a leading critic of Japan's militaristic policy and the senior member of the Japanese Diet. Other items discussed as well.
1945CE Dec 19th


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