
Reduce Charges Against Homma to Speed Trial News Article

Gives updates on the progress of Homma's trial in Manila, including the fact that "11 minor specifications to the 48 charges against" him were stricken which should speed up the trial. The trial will undergo a weeklong recess. Other news wire updates include: information on the testimony of Col. John R. Pugh and Maj. Achilles Tisdelle regarding the death march; the conviction of a Japanese guard by an Australian military court at Labuan; approval for a military commission to try Japanese accused of atrocities against B-29 fliers; and the opening of a trial in Singapore to try Japanese war criminals accused of starving and beating more than 500 Indians during a 34 day sea voyage from Singapore to Palau.
1946CE Jan 22nd

Execution of 3 Yank Flyers by Japs Revealed News Article

Reports on the three Doolittle fliers who were executed by Japanese after being taken prisoner following their actions in China. The names had been previously withheld and include: Lt. Dean E. Hallmark, Lt. William G. Farrow, and Sgt. Harold A. Spatz. Photographs of the men are included.


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